Purchase - Purchaser - Purchasing Apakah Bagian Pengadaan atau Purchasing Department masih anda anggap sebagai pembelanja? Saatnya anda menemukan jawabannya, Purchasing adalah PENGHEMAT keuangan perusahaan. Dalam blog ini kita bisa sharing untuk lebih memahami dan mengerti tentang Job Desc dan Job Role sehingga memberi bekal kita semua sebelum terjun kedalam pekerjaan ini, dimana PURCHASER mempunyai kesempatan untuk menjadi faktor keuntungan perusahaan.
Rabu, 24 Februari 2010
Salah membeli karena kesalahan sendiri, bagaimana mengoreksinya ?
Seorang sales mendapat pesanan sebuah mobil dari klien baru. Dengan semangat dia mendapat pandangan sebuah mobil produksi 3 tahun silam dengan kemudahan pembayaran dari sebuah showroom kecil di pinggiran kota. Tanpa sadar dia telah melakukan kesalahan dengan memberikan tanda jadi kepada show room tersebut tanpa test drive sendiri. Pada hari pembayaran dan serah terima mobil, betapa kagetnya beliau dengan kondisi mobil tersebut. Sangat jauh antara body dengan kenyamanan, mobil itu sangat tidak enak. Dan begitu di test drive oleh keluarga klien, yang terjadi adalah kemarahan dan kecewa. Klien itu menuntut pengembalikan uangnya, karena kecewa yang besar. Opsi mengganti mobil tidak disetujui.
Sales memutar otak bagaimana cara menghubungi showroom untuk memecahkan masalah tersebut. Jelas pada saat dia menghubungi showroom dan berbicara tentang pengembalian mobil yang didapat adalah kemarahan karena dianggap melecehkan. Namun dia tidak putus asa. Tetap dia mendatangi showroom dengan membawa mobil 'buruk' tersebut lengkap dengan semua dokumen mobil. Setelah 1 jam menanti, akhirnya datanglah sipemilik showroom dengan wajah masam.
'Salamat siang pak, saya senang karena dari pagi tadi showroom ini didatangi banyak pengunjung' salam pembuka untuk mencairkan suasana.
'Terimakasih pak, inilah kondisinya, walaupun banyak pengunjung belum tentu jadi beli. Makanya begitu berharganya uang yang sudah masuk kepada kami' sindirnya.
Percakapan terus berjalan dan intinya showroom keberatan dengan permintaan ganti mobil lain karena itu penghinaan menurut mereka. Jadi sales kita ini bukan berhadapan dengan pribadi yang ramah. Segala tawaran dibicarakan sampai akhirnya dengan mengalah sales menyetujui 'Begini saja, tolong jualkan lagi mobil ini, dan kembalikan uang saya jika sudah laku'.
Showroom bilang 'Saya hargai tawaran anda, namun ini sifatnya adalah transaksi menitipkan mobil untuk kami jual di showroom ini, jadi hasilnya bagus atau tidak itu tergantung pasar'.
'Baiklah kalau begitu, saya titipkan mobil ini kepada anda untuk dijual dengan harga yang sama, harga seperti saya membeli dari anda kemarin'.
'Kembali lagi saya katakan, saya tidak bisa menjamin, tapi tenanglah, saya akan berusaha semampu saya untuk menjual dengan harga yang bagus sesuai harapan bapak, saya juga akan mendapat komisi dari transaksi ini khan..' kata pemilik showroom dengan lebih ramah akhirnya.
Kesalahan kita sudah terjadi, itu masa lalu, yang jelas klien kita membutuhkan service terbaik kita sebagai purchaser, dan supplier kita membutuhkan kerja sama yang etis dengan kita. Coba anda hitung seberapa sering anda salah mengadakan sebuah produk bagi perusahaan anda atau klien anda.
Sales kita diatas berani datang ke showroom dengan niat pasti, membatalkan pembelian mobil dan pengembalian uang secara utuh.
Ulasan yang bisa kita garis bawahi adalah:
1. Beliau tidak goyah sedikitpun, sangat teguh, dan tegas setia pada tujuan akhir.
2. Beliau luwes dalam mengajukan penawaran, luwes dalam taktik adalah kebutuhan, namun harus tegas pada tujuan akhir.
3. Sales kita ini berhasil mendapatkan rasa hormat dari showroom, dan berhasil mendapatkan solusi yang cukup optimal.
4. Sales kita ini tidak takut kemarahan orang kepadanya demi tujuan akhir. Itulah yang disebut keberanian sejati.
Pengalaman dari seseorang beberapa tahun yang lalu...
Tosan S
Senin, 22 Februari 2010
Do It - Now!!
"Putting off a hard thing makes it impossible" --George Horace Lorimar
"What's the one thing I've been putting off that, if I did it, I would feel the weight of the world lifted from me?"
You have things that you've been putting off, don't you? Is there a secret that keeps it from happening? I've heard a rather idiotic suggestion of putting off putting it off. But somehow I don't think that'll work for most.
Procrastination is a habit. My wife will be the first one to tell you that I procrastinate a lot.
I put off unimportant things. Now I don't consider obligations to other people that are counting on you to be unimportant. THAT'S important. Cleaning up after yourself is important. Cleaning the garage can wait. That's just my opinion, you see.
In the years since I "woke up," I've seen co-workers, bosses, employees and vendors' employees take short cuts, not do things they said they were going to do, put important things off -- and it affects other people dramatically.
Their reputation gets ruined. No one trusts them any more. And even worse, their lives will be mere shells of what they could be...
...Because putting important things off is a habit. A rotten, stinking, dirty, selfish and self-sabotaging habit.
What? You think it's alright to commit to someone that you'll do something and then blow them off? Five-year-olds do that. Not responsible adults.
And not you... not if you have any desire to have a happy productive life.
I learned years ago that all I had to do most times was just show up with my game face on and I'd win. When I was selling one to one every day, I made sure that the most important things got done and worked on my to do list in order of importance, not in order of how much fun the tasks were. And I earned at least double and often ten times what my stunned co-workers and competitors earned.
That's what I mean by there's a right way to procrastinate. Don't put too much on your plate. If you don't, when someone gets on your case about not doing such and such a thing, you can truly say you were too busy.
After all, you have to have SOME free time, right?
Is this hard?
Not if you look at the benefits of doing the most important thing, instead of the things you're "missing out" on.
What's more important to you - what you GET right now, or what you BECOME in your life?
Want to make breaking this stinking, insidious habit easy? Good.
Then take the statements below, put them on index cards and read them three times per day. Morning, noon and just before you close your eyes at night. When you actually believe them, you'll act upon them and you'll have given yourself choices in life that few will ever have.
-- I love doing the most productive thing possible at every given moment
-- I have plenty of time to do the things I want to do
-- I get everything done on time
-- I see time as a precious gift and I use it well
Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang Lebih Cepat hari ini!
Minggu, 21 Februari 2010
Kemelut shortage material, bagaimana mengatasinya.
Sebagai seorang purchaser tentunya hal seperti ini sangat sangat menegangkan syaraf. Tanggung jawab operasional produksi dipundaknya, semua jari menunjuk kepada dirinya dalam meeting produksi, bahkan sumpah serapah menjadi sarapan selingan.
Bagaimana baiknya, ada beberapa tips walaupun tidak akan menolong secara instan tapi akan ber-efek panjang.
1. Tetaplah percaya bahwa usaha anda akan membawa hasil pada akhirnya. Jangan menyerah, jangan putus asa mencari terobosan terobosan baru. Percaya pada kekuatan cita cita. Ketersediaan material dipengaruhi banyak sekali faktor baik yang bisa kita kontrol langsung atau tidak.
2. Do the right things, and doing that things in a right ways. Explore segala kemungkinan metode metode yang bisa menolong kondisi buruk, pilih beberapa yang efektik, lakukan siklus manajemen dengan baik yaitu rencanakan - kerjakan - evaluasi untuk perbaikan - kerjakan perbaikan sesuai evaluasi. Apakah material anda termasuk produk langka dan mahal? Apakah anda sudah mengatur rencana belanja dengan baik?
3. Take and give feedback. Jujurlah menerima feedback, jujurlah memberi feedback, saling terbuka memberikan masukan untuk mengoreksi hal hal yang kurang baik.
4. Be big..! Besarkan hati dalam melakukan perbaikan, besarkan jiwa menghadapi cemoohan, kritikan, sabar saja dan be proud..!
Senin, 15 Februari 2010
How to be a Good Decision Maker
Some of the decisions that you have to make may have a deep impact on your career as well as the lives of other people working with you. For instance, your company is suffering a financial crisis and the management team that you head has identified various causes for this crisis. To arrest this financial crisis you have been proposed with a solution that includes terminating thirty percent of your existing staff strength. Since you are the key decision maker you have the unenviable task of selecting those staff that you have to let go. How are you going to make that decision?
We sometimes pray that we do not find ourselves in such a dilemma. However, when tough situations arises only those who can make tough decisions will survive. So here are a few pointers on how you can become a good decision maker in your organization.
1. Understand the root cause of the situation.
In order to make good decisions, it is important that you have a clear understanding of the root cause of the situation. The decision you make must be based on facts that you have and these facts must be verified and authenticated so that you are certain that the decision you are about to make is a rational and reasoned one. Remember the acronym CARF which means have you ‘considered all relevant factors’.
2. Do not succumb to office politics.
Making a good decision entails that you are not motivated by people in your office who may want you to make a decision which might be in their favour. It is quite common that when people start working together there will be a tendency to form little clicks. Each click will then begin to have its own sub-culture and its own unique way of doing things in the office. As a decision maker it is your duty to ensure that you remain apolitical and base your judgement on your effective understanding of the situation.
3. Don’t be drawn into the ‘Groupthink’ mentality.
‘Groupthink’ mentality is one whereby all the members of a group or team feel that they are invincible and whatever decision and action they take and make will not fail. Such a ‘groupthink’ situation comes about when the organization has been relatively successful in all their endeavours for a long while and there is an overall sense of well being and that ‘everything is going to be fine’ kind of attitude. Organization that falls prey to this kind of ‘groupthink’ mentality will find it difficult to make harsh decisions when the need arises and prefer to take a wait and see approach until things become worse.
You will notice the effect of ‘groupthink’ mentality when you are having meetings or group discussions and everyone seems to agree with everyone else. There is no dissention and no resistance to the proposal put forward by anyone in the group. Remember that there is no such thing as a best laid plan. Any decision that you make will have with it certain inherent flaws. The important thing is to objectively identify these flaws and if possible to either try to eliminate or at least minimize their effects. This can only be achieve if you are not drawn into a state of ‘decision making invincibility’ in that you feel that you and your team can make no wrong decision.
4. Successful Decision are those that can be translated into Action.
Decision making is still relatively easier than the ability to translate the decision into action. To be an excellent decision maker you must also be the kind of person who takes action. Once you’ve made the decision you must give yourself a timeline for the implementation of the decision. You also have to engage in a review process to see how the decision has improved the situation.
5. Viewing failure as feedback for further refinement
There will be times when the decision that you’ve made does not quite turn out the way you want it. There is no guaranteed success formula in decision making. When you made a decision that failed what makes you an effective individual is your ability to assess the damage and review the situation to see how you could refine the decision again and put it into action. This certainly is not going to be an easy road. You will face obstacles and perhaps it might be a decision of tremendous magnitude that you have no second chance. However, take heed that if you’ve done your homework and have paid attention to the other pointers above, you most likely might not suffer a massive catastrophe. You may falter and perhaps sustain a few ‘executive bruises’ that will give you valuable feedback on how you could refine your decision.
-By Daniel Theyagu
Supply chain management 2010 and beyond.
Jawabannya sederhana saja, yaitu tingkat kepuasan kerja yang menurun hampir diseluruh perusahaan. Banyak perusahaan yang terpaksa harus mengurangi pegawai, tentunya mereka akan selektif melaksanakannya. Efek dari pengurangan ini bisa mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan ditempat kerja. Karyawan yang masih dipertahankan akan sedih melihat kenyataan sebagian kawan mereka harus pergi sekaligus senang karena masih dipertahankan. Kemudian karena pekerjaan tidak berkurang, maka karyawan yang masih dipertahankan harus mengerjakan lebih banyak pekerjaan, bisa anda perkiraan bagaimana kepuasan bekerja mereka.
Memang tidak serta merta mereka akan malas, namun bila ada ajakan dari head hunter atau para pemburu karyawan top skill maka mereka adalah sasaran empuk. Lantas bagaimana dengan antisipasi terhadap kebutuhan pasar yang akan membaik misalnya, dengan kebutuhan kompetensi yang lebih tinggi dan biaya operasional yang makin tinggi? Apakah karyawan yang sibuk itu masih bisa dijadwalkan untuk training? Tentunya sulit, sehingga seperti disampaikan didepan tadi Talent Management akan menjadi tantangan terbesar ditahun tahun kedepan. Dan ekonomi yang mulai membaik membutuhkan antisipasi yang tepat supaya perusahaan kita tidak tertinggal. - Scdigest.com
Jumat, 12 Februari 2010
Mengapa purchaser dipandang negatif?
Kenapa hal hal itu terjadi, simak beberapa hal dibawah ini:
Anda diijinkan untuk berhubungan dengan supplier - artinya anda mengelola sebuah daerah abu abu antara peraturan kode etik karyawan dengan tuntutan pekerjaan. Ini dipandang lingkungan anda sebagai peluang anda untuk berbuat melanggar aturan perusahaan.
Anda mencampuradukkan kepentingan pribadi dengan kepentingan perusahaan - yaitu unit anda menjadwalkan makan siang dengan supplier sebagai bagian dari tanggung jawab membina hubungan baik kedua pihak. Tidak semua karyawan bisa makan enak setiap hari khan?
Anda bersikap royal kepada teman - ingat bahwa hampir tiap minggu anda mendapat souvenir dari supplier. Dari kue sampai ballpoint, buku agenda sampai kalendar, yang tentunya datang sendiri tanpa anda minta. Tentunya ini akan anda bagi ke teman teman karena akan berlebihan bagi anda.
Anda adalah pintu masuk bagi bisnis - jika teman anda memiliki usaha sendiri dan ingin berbisnis dengan perusahaan anda, kepada siapa mereka akan minta advise? Tentunya kepada anda sebagai purchaser, bisa dibayangkan betapa akan jor joran rayuan mereka kepada anda.
Anda yang paling senang ditengah gentingnya produksi - produksi berhenti karena mesin rusak atau material pendukung kehabisan pasokan. Hal ini akan membuat target produksi tidak tercapai, insentif turun, tapi sebagai purchaser anda tampil sebagai pahlawan penyelamat. Yaitu dari segi keberhasilan anda mendatangkan mesin baru atau material yang kurang, yang mana dalam keadaan genting harga tidak menjadi prioritas utama, orang akan memikirkan berapa tips supplier kepada anda saat itu?
Hal hal diatas baru sebagian kecil saja, jadi anda sebagai purchaser harus mampu mengelola semua itu dengan tampil jujur, janganlah royal kepada teman teman anda jika itu bukan dari gaji murni anda, profesianal terhadap rayuan supplier karena niat mereka adalah hendak membeli diri anda. Ingat falsafah 'kalau jiwa sudah didapati dompetpun dikasih', posisikan diri anda denga tepat. Posisikan diri anda sebagai SUBYEK yang menguasai jiwa supplier, bukan sebaliknya.
Selasa, 09 Februari 2010
Steve Jobs and IPod
One of the apps that it decided to build was a software jukebox so that users could copy music CDs to their Macs and manage all of their music digitally. This was part of Jobs’ strategy of turning Apple into a digital lifestyle brand and the Mac into a personal media hub.
In the process of making the software that would become iTunes, the Apple team also decided to make it compatible with some of the new MP3 players that allowed users to carry some of their songs in the digital equivalent of a Sony Walkman. However, after looking at the various MP3 players, Apple decided that all of them were crap and decided to design its own player instead. That’s when the iPod was born.
The first iPod launched on October 23, 2001 with 5GB of storage and the promise of “1,000 songs in your pocket.” Initially, it was only compatible with Macs and Apple viewed it as an accessory to help increase the appeal of the Mac. But, Jobs quickly realized that the iPod had much broader appeal, and much bigger sales potential.
In 2003, Apple ported iTunes to Windows and sales of the iPod skyrocketed. By the end of 2004, Apple had sold over 8 million iPods and was the dominate force in the digital music player market. Despite this dominance, and the fact that Jobs had convinced the music industry to sell its songs through the iTunes store, there were still a lot of doubts at that point about whether Apple would continue to own this market. With new players coming from Sony, Rio, Creative, Dell, and (eventually) Microsoft, a lot of analysts expected Apple to fade into a niche player, just as it had done in the computer business. It never happened.
By 2009, the iPod accounted for over 70% market share in the digital music player business.
Jangan ragu menanyakan tunggakan kita kepada supplier.
Saya kenal sebuah perusahaan dimana purchaser tidak mengetahui status tunggakannya terhadap supplier. Informasi ini hanya sampai kepada GM Purchasing saja. Akibatnya cukup fatal, purchaser tidak mengetahui kondisi suppliernya, sehingga begitu banyak negosiasi dan tarik ulur diantara mereka. Disatu sisi supplier tidak puas karena tunggakan dan disisi lain mereka menghendaki tetap mendapat order dengan resiko dimarahi bagian finance mereka.
Untuk itu purchaser harus secara rutin membahas bersama para supplier untuk mengetahui angka angka tunggakan dan tanggal tanggal jatuh tempo. Efek dari pembahasan ini adalah timbulnya rasa keadilan, rasa saling menghormati hak hak kedua pihak, dan bukti profesionalisme.
Senin, 08 Februari 2010
Find Your Potential
So how can you find your potential whether it be in sport or life? Most of us have more potential than we realize. I happen to be a believer that physical fitness plays a major role in finding our potential in life.
Many people treat their cars better than they do their bodies. If we could only go into the future and see what we might look like, what diseases we might have, then we might be motivated to do something today that might prevent something from happening to us in the future.
I have found many people have the attitude of wanting immediate gratification, wanting something today for not much effort. Life just doesn't work that way. We need to pay the price today to reap the benefits in the future.
Taking care of our bodies should be no different than brushing our teeth, or mowing our lawn. How do you think your teeth would look if you didn't brush them for a few months, or how would they look if you only brushed them a few times per year? This is how we need to view our physical fitness. Most of us need to work on keeping in shape at least 5 days per week or every other day.
In my own life I witnessed my transformation from being shy and lacking confidence, to quickly becoming a hard charging self-starter full of ambition and courage, simply by finding physical fitness through jogging. That was 27 years ago and I haven't stopped yet. Most of us have a choice, many make the choice to be unfit and out of shape. Many reach, at least in their minds, the point of no return. A point where they are so unfit and out of shape, that their lifestyles begins to revolve around negative actions, like over-eating, weight gain, sleep problems and lack of confidence and self-esteem.
It doesn't have to be this way, you can make changes starting today that can make a difference for your future. Let the positives of being fit transform your life. You'll feel better, look better, have more confidence, you'll think better and more positive influences will begin to transform your life. You'll quickly find gravitation towards becoming healthier, eating better, drinking less alcohol and more importantly, finding your potential. We can't ask more out of life than what we are capable of, but we can attempt to squeeze every bit of our God given potential, what a waste if we don't try. It's out there, just take the first move to grab it and quickly you will walk down a path of improving your life in more ways than you can imagine. Always remember, for most of us we have a choice, to be fit and to reach our potential, or always wonder what that hidden potential might hold. Your full potential was a gift given to you at birth, go out and find it today!
BY Phillip Crone, is the author of: A Little Bit Over a Long Period of Time.
Minggu, 07 Februari 2010
Hargailah dan buat brand diri anda terhormat.
Karena nama Anda adalah alamat tempat ditujukannya semua kekayaan, kebesaran, dan kemuliaan - maka janganlah mengajari orang lain untuk tidak menghormati nama Anda, dengan menggunakan nama atau urutan huruf yang tidak bernilai sebagai alamat email Anda.
Pilihan nama untuk alamat email Anda adalah pengungkapan penilaian Anda kepada diri Anda sendiri. Sebisa-mungkin, gunakanlah nama lengkap Anda. Anda akan menggunakan nama itu sampai nanti Anda menjadi pribadi terbaik dalam karir dan pilihan bisnis Anda. Bila nama Anda sudah indah, pastikanlah bahwa Anda membangun gambar dan wewangian diri Anda di dalam taman-taman pikiran dan hati orang lain - dengan cara-cara yang indah dan kuat.
Berbicaralah dengan baik.
Jangan menjadi pengikut orang yang mengeluhkan bahasa orang lain yang tinggi, karena itu hanya mengumumkan pengakuan mereka tentang rendahnya bahasa mereka, dan tuntutan agar orang lain merendahkan cara-cara mereka agar sesuai dengan orang yang tidak berencana meninggikan dirinya.
Gunakanlah kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat yang lengkap.
Bila Anda demikian sibuk dan ingin berhemat, janganlah menulis dengan singkatan-singkatan dan mengirimkan tulisan yang akan membuat orang lain merasa bahwa mereka yang menerimanya - tidak cukup terhormat untuk mendapatkan waktu dan kesungguhan Anda untuk menulis dengan lebih baik.
Hormat kepada orang lain adalah harga yang harus Anda bayar untuk menjadikan diri Anda terhormat.
Bukankah kita - Anda dan saya, sedang menanti saat di mana kita ditemukan oleh orang-orang baik yang besar dan berwenang, yang membutuhkan kualitas-kualitas indah dan kuat yang ada dalam diri kita.
Kamis, 04 Februari 2010
Steve Jobs concord dragons
When Jobs returned, Apple was in such bad shape that he wasn’t even sure it was salvageable - and industry analysts shared his skepticism. The company’s finances were in the toilet, the product roadmap was a mess, and the Apple brand itself had lost most of its former luster. Something dramatic was needed to save Apple from being bought out in a fire sale or simply fading into oblivion.
Jobs launched a two-part strategy to reinvigorate Apple. He started with the Think Different ad campaign, which associated the Apple brand with creative thinkers and revolutionaries. It was a huge hit, winning awards, drawing consumer interest, and generating tons of media buzz. But, above all, it set the stage for the rebirth of the Macintosh.
While the Think Different ads were making people feel cooler about the fruity computer maker, Jobs also refocused Apple’s product and engineering teams on developing the company’s next great product.
By the late 1990s computer sales were spiking due to the new killer app: the Internet. Lots of people were buying their first computers just to “get online.” Apple latched on to this trend with a computer that was designed to make connecting to the Internet as easy as taking the computer out of the box and plugging in two cords. Jobs and Co. even named it after the Internet - the iMac.
The iMac was a throwback to the original Mac in that it was an integrated all-in-one system, but it also included a unique new design with a translucent blue and white plastic case that allowed you to see the electronics and circuit boards inside. In the world of beige computers at the time, the iMac was extremely stylish. The launch of the iMac in 1998 (combined with the similarly-styled iBook and Power Mac G4 in 1999) drove a huge spike in Mac sales - at one point the iMac was even the single best-selling computer model in the world.
The Mac was back.
Selasa, 02 Februari 2010
Pentingnya Action Log, untuk ketenangan pikiran.
Saya yakinkan kepada anda semua bahwa kita sangat membutuhkan display secara terbuka. Kita harus menyajikan perkembangan proyek termasuk masalah yang timbul dan langkah apa yang diambil.
Salah satu alat kontrol terbaik saya sebut dengan nama Action Log. Isinya adalah daftar langkah langkah yang akan ditempuh dengan jadwal selesainya. Sederhana saja,excel file dengan sedikit formating warna merah kalau masih open dan hijau bila sudah tercapai.
Selanjutnya anda bisa menambahkan action action susulan sesuai dengan problem yang muncul. Misalnya problem muncul karena salah satu mesin rusak, butuh waktu lama untuk mereparasi. Maka anda susun langkah langkah detil dalam action log dengan tetap meminimalkan kemunduran terhadap target awal, misalnya ambil action 'ganti mesin yang rusak dengan pinjam dari bengkel, target besok'.
Pengalaman saya dalam action log ini sudah cukup lama, yaitu sejak tahun 2001 namun masih di buku secara manual, baru beberapa tahun belakangan ini saya gunakan program excel. Satu tahun dengan rata rata 20an proyek kecil, saya mencatat 400an action log, sangat membantu kelancaran proyek dan menghemat energi otak saya.