Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

Vision Leader Value

Vision: How Leaders See The Invisible
by Eric Garner
The one thing that distinguishes great leaders from also-ran is the
power, depth, and breadth of their vision. Vision is a strange
concept. It's much more than just a goal or purpose - visions paint a
fuller picture describing our most cherished dreams, hopes and

Seeing Possibilities.
The ability to see possibilities that others don't see is one of the
hallmarks of great leaders. Where most of us see just a consignment of
goods, leaders see an exciting product that can change someone's life.
Where most of us see an office with space for desks and filing
cabinets, leaders see a place where teams can do groundbreaking work.
Where most of us see people with names and titles, leaders see budding
organizational champions.
As George Bernard Shaw said, "Some people see things as they are and
ask "Why?" I see things that are not and ask "Why not?""

Tosan S

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