Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Five ways to lead your team to peak performance

Five ways to lead your team to peak performance
Author: Jason Hiner

If you want to succeed as a leader, you can only do it by setting up your team members to succeed. And if your team consists of knowledge workers and IT managers, you need to develop a special brand of leadership — one that continually challenges them and allows them to solve problems independently. This episode of Sanity Savers for IT executives shares a few tips to help you guide your team to peak performance.

For those of you who prefer text to video, you can click the "Transcript" link or you can read the full text below the video. You can also read the original article that this episode was based on: 10 tips for leading your team to peak performance.

1. Don't provide all the answersYou are the leader. But that doesn't mean you have a monopoly on all of the good ideas. If your employees are hesitant to make decisions without asking your opinion first, you probably need to change some of your tactics.When they present you with information and ask what to do about a situation, push the ball back into their court and ask them, "What do you think?" They might be surprised at first, but after you do that a few times, they'll start thinking it through before they come to you so that they're fully prepared to discuss the matter and make a recommendation.That's a good thing, because they're usually closer to the customer and more familiar with the details of the work. You need their opinions. And you need them to make some of their own decisions.

2. Align people with the stuff they are passionate about. Make sure you have the right people in the right seats. Take stock of all the talents you have on the team and reshuffle the deck if you can give your team a better chance at success. Don't keep someone in a job role just because they've been doing it for long time — not if you truly think their talents are better suited for another role.You should also find out what people are passionate about and try to align them with job roles and projects that let them channel some of that passion. That could mean putting them in an area where they don't have much experience. But if their work history makes you think they can succeed, it's usually worth the risk. Their passion will usually fuel a strong desire to learn and to grow.

3. Avoid throwing people under the busIn any organization, there are going to be times when you fail. When things don't pan out as you hoped, do a postmortem to figure out what went wrong and to learn from it. If egregious errors were made by individuals, deal with them privately, if necessary. Let them know your expectations for how this should be handled in the future.Above all, don't publicly blame individuals — either directly or indirectly — in meetings or team e-mails. If you do, you risk creating an atmosphere in which people are so afraid to make mistakes they won't do the proactive and creative work necessary to avoid future problems and to drive innovation.

4. Build consensus by letting your team know WHYOne of your key responsibilities as a leader is communicating about new initiatives and strategy changes. The worst thing you can do is surprise your staff members with a fully formed idea about a new way to do something that will drastically alter their day-to-day work.Whenever possible, give people an informal heads-up that a change is coming and let them know some of the reasoning involved. If they don't agree with the reasoning, they can express their dissent. They might even bring up a concern that should be considered before the final plan is solidified. An even better course of action is to have a brainstorming session with your team when you are still formulating a new idea or strategy change, so you can gather their ideas and feedback.You may sometimes have to spring something on your team, but try to limit those occasions. Even then, make sure you fully explain reasoning behind the decision.

5. Trust your people, and let them know itIT jobs typically require creative solutions and decision-making. Your staff needs to stay sharp mentally to achieve top performance — and it's up to you to build an atmosphere that encourages that kind of creativity.One of the best things you can do is to let your employees know that you trust them and that you have faith in their ability to do the job, solve the problem, and meet the deadline. Now, if you don't trust them, that's a deeper problem altogether. In that case, you've identified an employee that you need to either manage up or manage out.

Managing knowledge workers and IT managers requires you to foster and encourage independent thinking, creativity, and problem solving in an environment of trust. And that's a tall order. But following the leadership strategies we've looked at here can help you build a passionate, productive IT department that's dedicated to delivering top-notch results again and again.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Purchaser blog in twitter @tosansu

Rekan purchaser, hal yang harus anda pastikan adalah membeli barang kebutuhan perusahaan anda dengan pantas dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan. Follow twitter @tosansu

Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

Pengalaman bernegosiasi

Pengalaman melakukan negosiasi sebenarnya adalah pengalaman berhubungan dengan manusia secara mendasar. Bernegosiasi pastilah berhubungan dengan RESULT atau hasil yang ingin dicapai dari pihak lain. Karena adanya pihak lain maka bernegosiasi pastilah ada hal penting yaitu RELATIONSHIP atau pembinaan hubungan. Perhatikan ketika orang yang sedang bernegosiasi hanya mengejar result semata tanpa mengindahkan hubungan baik yang terbina, yang terjadi adalah saling ngotot, saling tegang, dan tidak kunjung menghasilkan sesuatu.

Selanjutnya, dari adanya result dan relationship development inilah akan mengembangkan sebuah keinginan untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara hasil yang diinginkan berdasarkan hubungan baik dengan adanya DIALOG. Hati hati dengan dialog karena seringkali orang datang ke ruang negosiasi tanpa tahu apa yang akan dibicarakan. Jadi yang dibicarakan adalah VALUE yang bisa dipertukarkan.

Pelajari kembali dialog dialog dari negosiator profesional Philip Reed, penting untuk kita ulang ulang kembali.

Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Team Building

It won't work unless people see the benefit of team building. It is not enough to get your group together off site and have a few icebreaker games. If you want team building to work, you have to show the members of the team that it benefits them personally.


There is very little "team" in teamwork without a lot of motivation. We live in a society that seems fascinated with individual accomplishment and almost oblivious to teams. Even in team settings like sports, we single out the All-Stars and the MVP (Most Valuable Player) of each game. That is the environment you have to overcome in order to build your group at work into a team.


Get Started Team Building - Do you think of your group as a team? They won't think of themselves as a team if you don't. Do you reward team performance, or only individual achievements? You won't have much success in team building if you don't reward team performance. Let your group know that they are a team, that you expect them to perform as a team, and that you will reward their successes as a team. That's the first step toward team building.

Remember that team building must be an everyday activity. It is not something you can just do quarterly at some off-site function.


Motivate Team Building - If you want team building to work, it's not enough to tell them that they are a team and must perform as one. You also have to show the members of the team that it benefits them personally.

Most of us are selfish individualists. We watch out, first and foremost, for ourselves and do what benefits us most. We have to be motivated to include anyone else. Fortunately, it is pretty easy for us to see the benefits of including others, so most of us do that readily. Love is a strong motivator. Parents, for instance, watch out for their children. Money is another strong motivator. It is one you can use as an employer. However, the strongest motivator available to a manager (since it is unlikely your employees will fall in love with you) is self esteem. The more the individual sees a benefit to his or her self esteem from supporting the team, the more successful your team building efforts will be.


First of all, your people have to acknowledge that they are part of a team. You can reinforce this by holding team meetings, posting team news on the bulletin board or your intranet page, and tracking team performance against team goals.


Secondly, they have to believe that the team is capable of producing more than the sum of its members. Lance Armstrong is a great bicycle racer, but he could not have won the Tour de France without the support and assistance of his team members. You may have a great customer service rep on your team, but without the cooperation of the other members of the team he or she would not be able to handle as many calls. You have to make this readily apparent to them and clearly delineate the increased rewards they can achieve through teamwork.


Reinforce Team Building Efforts - One company I know had a great customer support team. Their director challenged the team with higher and higher goals. He celebrated their successes in meeting and exceeding those team goals. He also celebrated them as individuals. The team decorated the cubicle of everyone who was having a birthday. They did community service projects together. They had fun at work. And they enjoyed beating the goals Clint set for their team. They got a significant boost in self esteem from belonging to a winning team.

Making up t-shirts, etc. with a team logo or motto can help reinforce the sense of team identity, but it's not required. You should know your team well enough to know whether or not something like that would be positive reinforcement for them.


Don't make the mistake of one Accounting Manager I knew. The motto he picked for his team and had printed on ballcaps he gave them didn't fly. He hadn't involved the team in selecting either the motto or the object on which it was printed. - F. John Reh

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Obsesi bangsa China terhadap Internet

Obsesi bangsa China terhadap Internet
60 kota kota terbesar di China 70% penduduknya menghabiskan hobi mereka dengan internet. Perubahan perilaku pasar dan perilaku konsumen sepertinya mendorong hal tersebut. Bagaimana dengan kota kota lain di China?

Kira kira sebesar apa ketakutan Google jika benar benar hengkang dari negeri tirai bambu ini? Pada bulan Januari lalu CINIC (China Internet Network Information Center) melaporkan bahwa mendekati akhir 2009, pengguna internet di China telah menembus angka 384 juta, ini melebihi seluruh angka di negeri Amerika. Angka itu merupakan 2 kali lipat dari angka 2008, dan lebih jauh adalah 233 juta orang China mengakses internet dengan handphone karena pemerintah China menerapkan jaringan 3G di akhir 2009. Google pasti sangat gusar karena pasar emasnya terganggu.

Obsesi penduduk China terhadap internet sungguh membuat tercengang. Kalau dikota kota besar adalah seperti disampaikan diawal tadi, maka di kota kota yang lebih kecil 50% punduduknya memanjakan hobi mereka di internet. PC sudah mulai menggantikan TV sebagai sarana hiburan pribadi dan keluarga, dan terjadinya saling berebut menggunakan PC dalam sebuah keluarga adalah hal yang sehari hari terjadi. Ada kejadian di kota kecil di barat daya China, bahwa sepasang suami istri berdebat untuk mengganti PC dengan versi yang lebih canggih. Pilihan ada 2, jika nekad mengupgrade PC nya maka dia harus menceraikan istri.  Dan solusinya sungguh sederhana, yaitu sang suami membeli PC baru tetapi dalam kondisi second sehingga dia tidak perlu menceraikan istrinya.

Ada sebuah produk teh herbal - Wanglaoji - yang menjadi terkenal setelah terjadinya gempa di Sichuan karena tag line mereka dalam aksi donasi untuk korban gempa. Di internet mereka menulis "Jika anda ingin menyumbang, anda menyumbang 100 juta renmibi. Jika anda ingin minum, anda minum Wanglaoji !"

Dan dengan terjadinya perseteruan China - Google sekarang ini maka sekitar 50juta orang China  yang memfavoritkan Google harus segera mengganti mesin pencari mereka dengan yang baru. Siapa yang rugi?

Rabu, 10 Maret 2010

Motivasi dan yang mempengaruhinya

Pada masa masa sulit maupun normal, isu motivasi karyawan selalu menjadi topik menarik. Benarkah banyaknya kenaikan gaji akan berpengaruh negatif, apakah perhatian terhadap masa depan karyawan membawa pengaruh positif?
Berikut adalah hasil survey yang diadakan bulan Juni 2009 dengan responden 1047 orang dari eksekutif sampai karyawan biasa, dengan hasil sebagai berikut:
1. Segi insentif dalam bentuk uang - hanya 52% responden menjawab bahwa kenaikan gaji tahunan akan membawa dampak positif bagi motivasi, sedangkan 60% menjawab pemberian insentif berdasarkan performance karyawan akan berpengaruh terhadap motivasi.
2. Segi insentif bukan dalam bentuk uang - 67% responden bersaksi bahwa pujian atau penghargaan spontan dari managernya akan membawa pengaruh pada motivasi karyawan, 63% responden menjawab bahwa motivasi berasal dari perhatian dari para leadernya, dan 62% responden bersaksi bahwa kesempatan untuk memegang tanggung jawab terhadap proyek atau task force akan membawa pengaruh terhadap motivasi. 
Dari segi frekuensi atau seringnya isu isu mempengaruhi motivasi karyawan maka kenaikan gaji berkala tahunan menempati rangking tertinggi denan 71% responden membenarkannya, rangking kedua adalah 68% kenaikan insentif berdasarkan performance karyawan, ketiga adalah seringnya penghargaan spontan atau pujian dari managernya sebesar 68%.
Lalu bagaimana dengan seringnya mendapat kesempatan menjadi pemimpin proyek atau task force? Ternyata 54% bersaksi ini sumber motivasi rangking ke-empat. - McKenzey Qurterly.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Apakah suramnya kondisi ekonomi berpengaruh pada sourcing/tender anda?

Memang ada beberapa kondisi sebelumnya, dimana supplier akan berusaha mati matian untuk mendapatkan order sebanyak mungkin dalam sitasi ekonomi yang sulit. Namun kali ini cukup berbeda. Supplier tidak berpikir semudah itu lagi, sehingga respon mereka terhadap tender/quotation atau penawaran kita tidaklah segiat dulu.

Mengapa hal ini terjadi?
"Dengan kondisi ekonomi sekarang, hampir semua supplier merasa berat ketika waktu dan sumber daya mereka diperhitungkan" kata Kathlen Daly, Source One Management Services. " Quotation atau penawaran yang kompleks dan panjang prosesnya membuat supplier tidak berkehendak untuk menjawabnya, karena mereka merasa sumber daya mereka tidak memadai untuk memproses panawaran anda, atau karena mereka merasa tidak akan mendapat kesempatan pasti untuk menang".

Prinsip tender yang cukup mendasar adalah makin besar kompetisi atau makin banyak supplier yang berpartisipasi dalam tender maka harga akan makin kompetitif. Hal ini akan mendorong anda untuk terus menghubungi supplier supplier supaya mereka terus rajin berpartisipasi ditengah sulitnya dunia bisnis. Caranya? Simak tips dibawah, lakukan terhadap supplier 10 besar anda.
1. Beri motivasi kepada supplier  - dengan cara yang berbeda, yaitu hubungi atau telpon/sms untuk menjelaskan kondisi tender nantinya sebelum mengirim tender tertulis.  Hal ini akan memberi mereka kesempatan lebih banyak, dan akan lebih siap.
2. Beri mereka kesan bahwa anda adalah rekan bisnis yang baik - dengan menawarkan kolaborasi kolaborasi jangka panjang, lebih terbuka atau tidak menunjukkan kerahasiaan seperti jaman dahulu.
3. Beri mereka pelaksanaan etika bisnis yang optimal - selesaikan administrasi dengan baik, beri kabar hasil setiap tender dan bimbing mereka bagaimana supaya berhasil kelak [bukan dengan cara negatif].

Memang akan membutuhkan waktu yang lebih banyak untuk melakukan hal hal diatas, namun dimasa depan purchaser dan supplier adalah dua bagian yang akan menentukan operasional sebuah perusahaan.

Tosan S

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Dealing With Customer Complaints - B.L.A.S.T

Handling customer complaints doesn't have to always be a battle, with the right tools and responses you can use complaints to your advantage; to help you build your business. B.L.A.S.T is a great tool that is used by companies such as Yum! (Parent company of KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, A&W, and Long John Silvers). Training their employees in the basics of handling customer complaints. The acronym stands for:

Believe; Listen; Apologize; Satisfy; Thank

How does your company deal with customer complaints? The easiest way to find out is to pick up the phone and play the role of the complaining customer. What happened? If you were an irritated customer, would you return? Using the B.L.A.S.T guidelines, allows you to create a standardized method for dealing with your complainers and turning them into loyal customers.
This is the cornerstone of handling a customer complaint. Yes, the customer may be lying and be incorrect about their situation. It is important to understand that your customer believes that your establishment has wronged them.

Stop and listen to your customer's complaint. I'm not certain whether it's natural instinct or just plain stubbornness. As soon as a customer starts to complain, we start to think of how we will respond to the accusation before we are done listening, and too often the case, already have the response ready to fight back. Take a second, relax, and listen. On occasion a complaining customer will be rude, angry, and use vulgar language, stay the course and remain calm and level headed.
When the customer is done venting; in a calm, non-judgmental tone, repeat their problem. An example I used in my KFC for a mispacked order: "What I hear you saying is that, you came in ordered and paid for 10 Pieces of chicken and when you got home, you only received 8, is that correct?"
By repeating the problem at hand, you've demonstrated your ability to the customer that you heard and understood their problem. Listen and clarify. Never defend or justify. The customer doesn't care if you were shorthanded or if you're having a bad day, they only care that they get taken care of. No excuses, just solutions.

Always apologize even if you did nothing wrong. From your customers' perspective, they have a legitimate complaint, and they expect an apology. It could be as simple as "I'm sorry we've inconvenienced you." or "I'm sorry I know how frustrating it is to buy dinner for my family, only not to have everything there when I get home" A sincere apology will usually diffuse a lot of frustration that the customer has. There is an exception to this rule though, if a customer calls with a critical complaint, such as food poisoning, don't apologize, it may be construed as an acceptance of guilt, instead refer to your company's procedures for such events.

Make it right. Ask the customer "What can I do to make this right for you"? Be the judge of what is fair of course, but allow them the opportunity to feel empowered over the situation. Many times they may ask for the problem be taken care of on their next visit or maybe that you talk to the person who made the mistake and correct them. We used a great system of sending out a personalized postcard apologizing for the mistake, it was a couple of handwritten sentences (yes, many times with spelling mistakes from my team members), but it was personal and always well received. We always gave them the unexpected as well, maybe a free dessert or an extra side dish just to show that we cared about them.

At the beginning, at the end, in the middle; it doesn't matter, thank the customer for calling and complaining.
Why? With the simple act of complaining, your customer is telling you "I care about your business and your success". They are giving you the opportunity to fix the problem and invite them back so they can give you more of their money. Puts a different spin on it doesn't it? Thank them for giving you that second chance, for letting you know that something in your restaurant didn't work like it normally does, for giving you the chance to make it right, and for the opportunity not to damage your reputation!

Reputation? I had to throw that one in. You work hard, day in day out, trying the best to make your business the best, and yet one unhappy customer can take it away from you. A happy customer will tell two or three friends about a good experience, but an unhappy customer will tell at least ten friends about their experience and it always multiplies through word of mouth. Case in point, when I moved cross country to my new hometown, I was at a Chamber of Commerce event and being the new person in the group, I introduced myself and what we did. No sooner than five minutes passed did I get a list of 10 restaurants in my area that in their opinion were in "need of my services". Only one person gave me a good restaurant. I didn't ask, I was told. To this day I still haven't been to those restaurants as a customer, why do I want to give them my hard earned money, when they made my new friends unhappy? It may not be a rational thought, but it is human nature.

Will some people take advantage of your kindness? Of course, a rule of thumb I used in my restaurant was:
First time shame on me, Second time shame on me, but I'm watching you,
Third time... Shame on you and I will make the decision on how I will deal with you as a customer. Keep track of who calls to complain, names, phone numbers for follow up, addresses for your postcards. Using a binder and tracking your complaints, you will be able to detect and deter those that would take advantage of your new complaint procedures.

Adding B.L.A.S.T to your expanding toolbox of customer service tools will help you in dealing with customer complaints and turn them around so they can tell their friends what great service you have
!-Albert Barneto is a managing partner of CustomerTrend Mystery Shopping and Customer Satisfaction Surveys at www.CustomerTrend.com

Kamis, 04 Maret 2010

Negosiasi terkadang bukan win win solution kelihatannya.

Seorang teman memesan sebuah motor merk ternama di Indone.sia. Tidaklah mahal harganya karena bukan motor kelas touring. Beliau memesan di koperasi tempatnya bekerja, tentunya dengan harga yang sangat bagus dibanding dengan pasar umum.
Seminggu berlalu dan kabar yang didapat adalah jenis motor tersebut harus antri, dan kemungkinan sampai satu bulan. Dan sebulan sudah berlalu namun masih juga tidak ada kabar dari koperasi. Parahnya, cicilan koperasi sudah dimulai. Jadi gaji sudah dipotong angsuran pertama tetapi motor belum ditangan.
Beliau datang kekoperasi pagi pagi dan bertekad untuk mendapatkan motor hari itu juga, mungkinkah?
'Selamat pagi mbak, saya pemesan motor jenis ini dan janjinya satu bulan, namun hari ini sudah lebih dari satu bulan' kata beliau.
'Wah, memang masih lama pak, dari pabrik bilang belum ada stock untuk jenis itu' kata staf koperasi itu setelah mengecheck.
'Lalu kenapa gaji saya sudah dipotong? Sedangkan motor belum ditangan saya? Kalau begitu hari ini juga saya minta motor dikirim ke saya! Kalau tidak bisa maka saya membatalkan pemesanan motor ini'
Jawaban dari koperasi sangat tidak peduli 'Iya pak, memang begitu adanya, dan kita nggak bisa berbuat banyak, apalagi stock motor ini memang antri sampai sekarang'.
'Oke, kalau begitu kondisinya maka tolong proses pembatalan saya sekarang, dan kembalikan uang saya' kata teman kita ini tegas.
Kontan saja mereka kebakaran jenggot karena pada dasarnya pembatalan pemesanan adalah kerugian bagi mereka.
'Baik pak, beri kami waktu 2 hari ini untuk mencarikan motor buat bapak'.
'Tidak ada waktu lagi buat saya, kirim motor sore ini atau batalkan pesanan saya. Saya tunggu kabar anda jam 11 hari ini' kembali sebuah penegasan disampaikan.
Ini juga dinamakan negosiasi, siapakah yang menang?

Akhirnya, secara ajaib, jam 14 hari itu juga, koperasi menghubungi beliau dan menyampaikan bahwa motor akan dikirim sore itu juga jam 5 an, dan sesaat kemudian pihak showroom menelpon beliau menanyakan alamat lengkap. Keberhasilan bersama, itulah yang terjadi. Namun prosesnya terasa satu pihak sangat berkuasa.

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Menunda nunda pekerjaan ?

Pernahkah anda menunda kerja dan berakibat pekerjaanpun semakin menumpuk? Atau pernahkah anda terlambat makan dan akhirnya maag anda pun kambuh? Atau karena menunda menyatakan cinta pada sang pujaan hati, akhirnya dirinya hilang dari pandangan? Itu adalah sedikit peristiwa yang sering dilakukan namun mempunyai dampak yang sama, yaitu beban psikologis. Perilaku ini sering disebut sebagai menunda-nunda, atau saya lebih suka dengan bahasa Inggrisnya “procrastination”. Procrastination didefinisikan sebagai perilaku yang menunda atau memberhentikan sejenak dalam melakukan suatu tugas/aktiviatas maupun pengambilan keputusan.
Kata-kata yang sering digunakan ketika menunda adalah “saya perfeksionis, saya harus memastikan semuanya beres dulu baru saya memulainya”, “akh nanti saja, besok juga bisa kan..”, “saya harus menunggu mood”, “kalo berisik gini saya tidak bisa kerja” dan lainnya, yang intinya kerjaan tidak pernah selesai, karena tidak pernah dimulai. Dan walau pekerjaan tidak juga selesai selalu saja ada alasan mengapa orang menunda. Dua alasan yang menjelaskan kenapa orang menunda, pertama karena takut/khawatir akan konsekuensi yang ada di belakang aktivitas/keputusan yang dibuat. Khawatir akan “kesalahan” dan menjadi tersangka utama yang bertanggung jawab akan kesalahan itu, takut akan “keberhasilan” yang diraih karena orang lain akan menaruh harapan lebih tinggi kedepan, dan khawatir akan “selesai”, dan mulai terbersit apa yang akan terjadi bila semua sudah selesai, apa lagi yang harus dikerjakan, yang berarti memulai suatu aktivitas yang baru.
Kedua alasan mengapa “menunda” adalah karena aktivitas/keputusan tidak diletakkan pada prioritas yang cukup tinggi. Alasan ini lebih karena ketidaktahuan akan manfaat bagi diri sendiri bila melakukan aktivitas/keputusan tersebut. Sehingga motivasi dalam mengerjakannya bukan dari dalam diri melainkan dari luar. Setelah tau dua alasan mengapa menunda menjadi pilihan, perlu pula diketahui bagaimana caranya “Stop PROCRASTINATION”. Pertama adalah sadari dahulu apa yang membuat anda melakukan “procrastination”, sudahkah hal tersebut menjadi keputusan final anda atau hanya sebagai penghindaran dari konsekuensi, kedua berikan manfaat pada aktivitas tersebut dengan pertanyaan W3IFM (What’s In It For Me). Dengan memberikan manfaat pada aktivitas yang dilakukan secara tidak langsung akan memberikan semangat dan dorongan internal diri. Tidak lagi mengerjakannya karena perintah bos.(HRE)

"We are not dealing with creatures of logic"

“When we are dealing with people, let us remember we are not dealing with creatures of logic. We are dealing with creatures of emotion, creatures bustling with prejudices and motivated by pride and vanity.” - Dale Carnegie

What is it that inspires you to do your best work?
Have you considered what things might be fueling the work of your employees/coworkers?
Although unique to each worker, professional drive has a basic core to which everyone can relate. Discover your essential similarities, and use this knowledge to inspire others to cooperate, instead of mandating that they do so.
• Don't dictate – inspire your team member differently, they are each has their own unique.
• Don't direct - win people to your way of thinking, lead them into their own vision, you’ll get the utmost of their spirit.
• Begin with praise and honest appreciation – this will ignite their honor to work with you.
• Build morale and earn loyalty
• Ask questions instead of giving direct orders
• Give the other person a fine reputation to live up to

Leadership Training for Managers Dale Carnegie

Senin, 01 Maret 2010

Meninjau payment term vendor dan supplier anda.

Vendor adalah supplier yang melayani jasa perawatan untuk anda. Agak berbeda tentunya dengan supplier yang melayani jasa pembelian sebuah produk barang. Vendor harus memiliki sejumlah modal mesin dan peralatan lain untuk melakukan perawatan, sedangkan supplier maximal hanya membutuhkan gudang distribusi.

Vendor maupun supplier anda tentu menghendaki pembayaran yang cepat, bahkan banyak dari mereka yang sudah mensyaratkan pembayaran dimuka. Berikut adalah jenis jenis pembayaran
1. Cash In Advance - vendor menggunakan jenis pembayaran dimuka. Sebelum service dimulai atau sebelum barang disediakan, maka customer harus membayar sejumlah uang sesuai kesepakatan. Dari sisi supplier jenis pembayaran ini tentu sangat menguntungkan, namun memberatkan bagi customer. Cara ini memang lazim digunakan dalam transaksi jual beli perorangan, namun untuk bisnis besar tentunya tidak sehat karena menunjukkan kesetaraan status. Supplier seolah olah sangat berkuasa, ada uang ada barang, anda bayar jasa perawatan kami mulai, tidak ada uang maka tidak ada barang atau service.
2. Cash on Delivey - jasa perawatan tetap dilakukan sejak order diterbitkan, namun hasil akhir akan dikirim jika sudah dibayar. Dalam order pembelian barang, maka supplier mencari barang segera setelah order diterbitkan, dan baru akan diberikan jika sudah ada pembayaran.
3. Credit - begitu order diterbitkan maka semua proses pengadaan barang dan jasa dimulai, dan segera dikirim ke customer sesuai jadwal tanpa menunggu pembayaran. Pembayaran dilakukan setelah masa tertentu sesuai perjanjian, biasanya 30 hari, atau 60 hari setelah barang atau jasa dikirim.

Itulah bentuk sederhana jenis pembayaran yang lazim digunakan. Aplikasinya sangat luwes, tergantung dari hasil negosiasi kedua pihak.